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(P)rescription Narratives reveals how the act of narrative
creates the subjects of disability, race, and gender during a period of
censorship in American history. In a Crip Affect reading of
woman-authored medical fiction from the Comstock Law era, Stephanie
Peebles Tavera argues that women writers of medical fiction practice
storytelling as a form of narrative medicine that prescribes various
forms of healing as an antidote to the shame engineered by an American
culture of censorship. The woman-authored medical fiction of Louisa May
Alcott, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Francis Ellen Watkins Harper,
among others, exposes the limitations of social construction and
materiality in conversations about the female body since subject
formation relies upon multiple force relations that shape and are shaped
by one another in ongoing processes that do not stop even in our efforts
to interpret cultural artifacts. These multiple failures – to censor, to
resist, to interpret – open up a space for negotiating how we engage the
world with greater empathy.
Part of the Interventions in
Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture series, edited by Christopher Hanlon, Sarah Ruffing Robbins, and Andrew
"Brimming with heart and intelligence,
(P)rescription Narratives turns to the fascinating topic of women’s medical fiction to stimulate vital new conversations between medical humanities, disability studies and affect theory. The result is an invigorating diagnosis of the full slipperiness of the body as it appeared in the late nineteenth century: partly plastic, the result of social life impressing upon it and partly the product of the rigid molds of race, sex and ability. Tavera brilliantly locates women writers at the frictional space where these two paradigms collide, revealing how the materiality of language and the affective dimensions of narrative become their therapeutics to expose the contradictions of their era while attempting to free themselves from them." ~
Kyla Schuller, Rutgers University, New Brunswick